Another Day Of Firsts

Wednesday, 13th September was another day of firsts for members and visitors at Bidford.

A first for one of our members was for Ray. He had recently joined from another club. He flew microlights and gliders at his previous club. However the previous club just used winch tow to get the gliders up in the air. Ray was moving house and decided to join a club closer to his new home. Being towed up by a powered aircraft requires different skills and experience. So after several flights under instruction, he was signed off by our instructor of the day, Phil.

Another of our members, Henry, had recently qualified to fly solo. His early solo flights were in a K13, dual seat trainer that club members have access to. However, Henry wanted to fly in a higher performance, single seat glider, the Astir. This too is available for our members, once they have been signed off for the glider.

This is Henry, making a smooth landing on Wednesday in the Astir.

You can see Henry approach our airfield for a 06 direction smooth landing

Our final first, was the visit of 2 Councillors from Wychavon District Council. They have a project to promote enterprises within their catchment area and their challenge is to get around as many as they can to help promote activity within the Council area. Happily, Bidford Airfield was within Wychavon…just!

So after a safety briefing by Bill around our K13 twin-seat trainer, they each took a turn to fly. Needless to say. beaming smiles when they landed.


Lot’s of progress at Bidford in October


Midland Spirit Fly-In 2023